Sample area (KSA) framework training - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tulangbawang Regency

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Publikasi Kabupaten Tulang Bawang Dalam Angka 2024 sudah tersedia dan dapat diakses disini

Sample area (KSA) framework training

Sample area (KSA) framework training

January 18, 2024 | BPS Activities

In order to utilize technology to measure the harvested area of rice and corn, since 2018 BPS has carried out an Area Sample Frame (KSA) survey which is useful in estimating the harvested area of selected commodities. The KSA Rice results data will be a reference for samples of rice tiling activities. Therefore, synergy between officers and local farmers is very important in producing accurate production data.

On Thursday 18 January 2024, BPS Tulang Bawang Regency held training for KSA Rice and Corn officers to improve the officers' abilities in carrying out this survey. The training activity was opened by Gunawan Catur Prasetyo as Head of BPS Tulang Bawang Regency, followed by a presentation of material by Yuliadi as Head of the Production Statistics Team. The training was attended by 19 officers consisting of 4 PML and 15 PCS (8 PCS KSA Rice and 7 PCS KSA Corn). After the presentation of the material was complete, officers were directed to carry out trials in segments that were samples of the nearest KSA Rice and Corn.

It is hoped that through this training, officers will be able to better understand the concept of definitions in KSA and in the future this survey will be more useful in producing accurate data on harvest area and production of rice and corn.

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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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