Supervisi PL-KUMKM BPS RI - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tulangbawang Regency

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Publikasi Kabupaten Tulang Bawang Dalam Angka 2024 sudah tersedia dan dapat diakses disini



October 16, 2023 | BPS Activities

October 13 2023, Friday morning, still within the PL-KUMKM implementation schedule, a team from BPS RI and Provincial BPS supervised the implementation of PL-KUMKM in the Tulang Bawang Regency Area. Implementation of Supervision to ensure that implementation in the field is in accordance with existing SOPs, on the other hand also directly obtains problems encountered by data collectors when carrying out data collection. Application problems which are sometimes felt to hinder the data collection process are also a concern, apart from that for several locations that only have limited opening hours, for example shock markets, traders who do not stay. From BPS RI, the one who carried out supervision at that time was Muhardi Kahar from the PMSS directorate who was responsible for the methodology used in implementing the activities, while from BPS Lampung Province were Functional Officials from the Distribution Team, namely Rina Ekasari and Indah, who were also the Subject Matter from PL-KUMKM activities, accompanied by the person in charge of the PL-KUMKM BPS Field, Tulang Bawang Regency.
During supervision, the team was divided into 2, one team was at the market location in Gedung Aji Baru District, the other team was at another location which was still in the same district. The supervision process directly accompanies the data collection process by Field Officers. The Head of BPS Tulang Bawang Regency who participated, also discussed and conveyed several challenges when carrying out data collection to the supervisor from BPS RI.
The next day, supervision moved to Banjar Margo and Banjar Agung sub-districts, with the same team composition as before. Supervision from BPS RI together with the Head of BPS Tulang Bawang Regency, accompanied by Koseka, carried out supervision in Banjar Maro District, while a Team from BPS Province accompanied by the person in charge of the PL-KUMKM field carried out supervision in Banjar Agung District.

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